Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The School Part

So part of this whole thing is that I am 'studying abroad' and I haven't mentioned anything about that part of my trip yet, so here's a brief description of my new school, or "Uni" as everyone here calls it.

Otago is a BIG school, the complete opposite of itty-bitty, not-real, living-in-a-bubble Denison. There are about 20,000 students here and the way classes work are by lecture, lab, or tutorial. The lecture part is like America, huge classes with a professor, you guessed it, lecturing! The tutorials are smaller, about 20-30 students, and these are designed to discuss/go over what goes on in the lectures. And labs are still labs. Go figure.

I'm taking Maori Society 102, Sociology of New Zealand 101, Religion, Science and Magic 317, and Religion and the Internet 218. My Maori class is HUGE, with over 250 students, most of whom are international students, not even kiwis. My sociology class is also ginormous, with about 150 students. The religion classes remain small, which is def more my style. My religion and the internet class has only 8 people! Three of which are friends I recruited to join the class!

School here seems to be a bit easier, but maybe just cause it's so different. There aren't really papers or many assignments at all, as the exams count for 70% of my final grade. Plus, my schedule worked out awesomely. I don't have class on Mondays or Fridays, and I have only one class on Wednesdays. So pretty much, I'm livin' the life.

Yesterday I made a great discovery that will be superb when I'm in a rush on Tuesdays and Thursdays: THREE DOLLAR LUNCHES! Put on by the Hare Krishnas every Monday-Friday from 11-2. They cook delicious vegetarian food for only 3 dollars a plate, and it's a massive portion, which even includes dessert! It's really a beautiful thing. And their bread is so delicious.

This weekend I am taking a trip to Queenstown with Arcadia, and I have reserved a spot to go bungee jumping off a bridge.....!!!!

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