Thursday, March 11, 2010

I thought this only happened in movies...

The most ridiculous thing occurred this past week to one of the people who is here in NZ on my program with me, and it's so insane that I thought I'd recount it here.

Last Tuesday, my friend was in his kitchen enjoying a lovely dinner with his flatmates when a car crashed in to their living room! That's right, a car came through the wall of their house and landed in their living room. Apparently the girl driving had been backing out of the driveway and had bumped in to two parked cars in the driveway, she freaked out and tried to slam the breaks, but instead she accidentally slammed the accelerator. Her car was perfectly aligned with my friend's flat, so she propelled her car right through the wall of their living room! Luckily no one was hurt, but the front of his flat is completely destroyed, and if someone had been sitting in the living room they probably wouldn't be alive right now. My friend and his flatmates are now living in a motel until their house is repaired, and the story made the front page of the paper the next day!

It's not like this is a regular occurrence in New Zealand, so no need to worry, but it was such a ridiculous story that I had to share it. I think it's safe to say the drive of the car won't be behind the wheel for awhile.

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