Friday, March 19, 2010

Much Delayed Pictures From my Queenstown Weekend

Finally, pictures from my great adventure in Queenstown! The first one is of the Lake in Queenstown, it was very pretty but SO COLD. Our bus driver said that if you went swimming in it without a wetsuit on you would die from hypothermia within 15-20 minutes! The next picture is of my friend Annmarie and me on the first half of our 8 hour hike. The next one is Christina, Amanda, and me all at the top of Conical peak, the picture doesn't do it justice, it was an incredible view. I felt as if I were on top of the world. The next one, with that tiny little gray hanging hut thing, is what I Bungee jumped off of! It was just this little thing hanging by wires, you had to take a tram-like thing to get to it and only 15 people could be out there at a time. The last picture is a Bungee action shot! It was such a rush, I'd definitely do it again in a hearbeat!

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