Monday, June 7, 2010

Hangin out in Dunedin

Due to looming finals I have not gone on any great traveling adventures lately, but there has been plenty going on right here in Dunedin.

A little while ago my friends and I had the great idea to make cookie monster cupcakes...which are as awesome as they sound. First we made chocolate chip cookies, then we made the cupcakes, and then came the tricky part of constructing the cookie monster. We made blue icing for cookie monster himself, and used white chocolate chip buttons stuck to dark chocolate chips to make the eyes. We cut a little hole in the frosted cupcake, stuck in a cookie, plopped on the chocolate chip eyes, and voila! A cookie monster cupcake! Our artsy friend took a picture of the final product:

This past week my flat decided to host a giant slumber party! We pulled all of our queen size mattresses together on our common room floor, invited over our neighbors, and had a grand ol' time. We made some delicious homemade poptarts (although they took SO much work!), watched a movie, and told some stories. It was just like those big slumber parties we used to have back in the day, although we are not the care-free kids we used to be. I woke up at 10:30 the next morning surrounded by empty mattresses, as everyone had gotten up early to get on with their busy days.

Here are some candids from the night:

Classes are done and finals are starting this Wednesday, and I can't believe my first semester here is already come to a close. In the next couple of weeks many of my American friends here are heading back to the States, as most people are just studying abroad here for the semester. I'm glad to be staying for the full school year, as there is still so much I want to see!

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