Friday, June 25, 2010

The First Semester Comes to a Close

The month of June has FLOWN by, which means that the semester is over and I am having a hard time believing it. This past week or so has been too full of good byes, as most people who go abroad only do so for one semester. I didn't realize that I would be such anomaly in staying in New Zealand for 2 semesters! It has been very sad to say farewell to all the friends that I made these past 4 months, but I am looking forward to meeting a whole new bunch of people next semester.

In other, less depressing news, I went on a lovely trip to the Otago Peninsula last week. It's about a 40 minute drive out to the peninsula from my flat and it is absolutely beautiful. I wish I had known sooner that I live right by such natural beauty! There are all kinds of beaches and wildlife to check out on the peninsula. My friends and I went to Sandfly Bay, where we saw sea lions and even a yellow eyed penguin! It was so cool to see these animals in their natural habitat. The sea lions are pretty tame animals, so we were told it was ok to be a few meters away from them and take pictures with them, but as my friend and I approached one of them it suddenly snapped it's head and BARKED at us! It scared the bejeezus out of us, and luckily my other friend was able to capture the ridiculous moment of terror:

After Sandfly Bay we went to check out the albatross center, but it was too late so it was closed. However, a lady who worked there who was just heading out for the evening told us to stick around until dark and to watch the blue penguins come in to their nests for the night. Well that sounded pretty awesome so we headed down to the water and after waiting for what felt like ages the little penguins came in! It was dark so it was difficult to see them, plus they are the smallest type of penguin in the world, but we heard them coming in and it was SO COOL. I wanted to sneak up on one and take it home with me, but I figured it wouldn't like that too much so I refrained. Now, you may think that I live in the arctic tundra seeing as I live right next to penguins, but no worries it has yet to even snow here.

Unfortunately I was unable to take pictures of the blue penguins, as the flash would terrify them, but here are other pictures from my afternoon out on the Otago Peninsula:

Now I am just hanging out and anxiously waiting for my family to arrive!!! Then I'm off on a 2 week New Zealand traveling adventure with them!

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