Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The peanut butter challenge and other recent happenings

So lots has been going on in the past week or so, and I thought it was about time I updated:

I am currently in the middle of a peanut butter challenge, which sounds ridiculous because it is. Last night while eating some peanut butter straight from the jar, as I do quite frequently, my friend bet me 5 dollars that I couldn't eat a whole jar in one day. I accepted the challenge, and after some negotiation we agreed that the challenge would be that I attempt to consume 1 kilogram (that's 2.2 pounds) of peanut butter in 48 hours. I am about 12 hours in to the challenge and am just about half way...and I feel absolutely terrible. BUT I am going to finish this challenge successfully, I am determined!

In other, non-food related news, I have recently joined many different things, as I am trying to get more involved in my new community!

First, I joined the Collegiate Orchestra, a community orchestra comprised of students and adults from the community. It is extremely relaxed (rehearsals are optional) but it is great to be playing the cello again. We are working on Beethoven's 5th Symphony (everyone knows it, it's the piece that goes duh duh duh duhhhhhhhh, google it!).
I have also recently volunteered with the special olympics, and I will be coaching soccer once a week. It starts next Monday and I am very excited about it.
Tomorrow I have my first...field hockey practice! I signed up with a "social" (aka not competitive) team that was looking for players. It has been awhile since my JV field hockey days in high school, but I am optimistic that it's just like riding a bike, and that my skills will come right back in no time.
Last but not least, I have signed up for a swing-dance for beginners class, with my next door neighbor for my partner. We are both definitely not dancers, so this should be very interesting...

I haven't done any traveling since my big Australia trip, but I did go on a day trip to Tunnel Beach, an absolutely beautiful spot that's only about a 20 minute drive from my house. Here are a couple of scenic pictures from the trip:

1 comment:

  1. Field hockey?! What team are you playing on Louise? I hope Kings United because that's the one I played on last year! Best of luck with the PB challenge!!
