Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hasta La Vista America

I leave for my great New Zealand adventure TOMORROW. I can not believe it is finally upon me, when it feels as though I have been preparing for this trip for forever. I'm all ready to go, with a year of my life packed away in to about 70 pounds of luggage (who knew that was even possible!). This blog is where I will be documenting my travels and sharing my stories, so you can read it and check it at your leisure. More to come when I actually arrive in the land of the kiwis and sheep!


  1. L- Have a great time. Remember to look to your right for those cars!!!

    - Left Coast Bennett's

  2. Louise - you have no idea how jealous I am! have a GREAT time, if you plan a trek to Australia let me know as my former boss would love to be your tour guide of Sydney for a day! Be Well!

  3. Louise - so happy you're experiencing NZ. It is number one on my list of places to go so I can't wait to hear about your experiences. Uncle Paul
